You are here: Contributions Management > Check and Envelope Scanning > Scanning Contributions > Scanning Items

Scanning Items

We've made the Contributions application flexible. You can scan checks and envelopes in order to track contributions. The idea is to scan items that pertain to the contributions for record keeping- whatever that item is!

Note: We DO NOT recommend scanning credit card slips with credit card numbers on them to prevent sensitive information from inadvertently becoming visible.

Scanning Envelopes and Checks

When scanning an envelope for a cash item write the contributor's name on the envelope and the amount, then scan it and enter the amount in the application. Optionally, add a note in the Memo field. You will associate the item once all the scanning is done.

Note: Users must have the Contribution App (chk scan) security permission in order to scan items.

ClosedScanned Envelope

Note: The amount field is the only required field and must be entered at the time of scanning.

ClosedScanned Check

After a check is scanned, the Routing Number, Account Number and Check Number are populated. Amount is a required field and must be entered at the time the check is scanned. Optionally, add a Memo.

Once all the items have been scanned for a particular batch, the batch can be submitted but only if the Batch Amount and Scanned Amounts are equal. Batch amount and scanned amount must be equal before the Submit Batch button is even functional. Once you've clicked the Submit Batch button, you will see the Submit Batch or Don't Submit screen.

ClosedSubmitting a Batch

Click Submit Batch.

Tip! The Don't Submit option takes you back to the batch screen with options to edit the amount, the batch or to delete the batch.

ClosedSaved Batch screen

Once the batch has been submitted and if there are no more batches to be scanned, simply click the link ClosedClick here to view it in Fellowship Oneand you will be taken to the Giving tab, Scanned Batches page in Fellowship One.